IF the dice result is from 15 thru 23 OR 36 thru 41..Check the boards first and if the result IS NOT an HBP
USE THE CHART BELOW…Ignore any HBP which results and re-roll
This includes the Hit and Run and the Sacrifice Booklet
11-  15-15 31-  23-20 51-  40-36
12-  16-15 32-  36-20 52-  40-36
13-  17-16 33-  36-21 53-  41-37
14-  18-16 34-  36-21 54-   0-37
15-  18-17 35-  36-22 55-   0-38
16-  19-17 36-  37-22 56-   0-38
21-  20-18 41-  38-22 61-   0-39
22-  20-18 42-  39-22 62-   0-40
23-  21-18 43-  39-22 63-   0-40
24-  21-19 44-  39-23 64-   0-40
25-  22-19 45-  40-23 65-   0-41
26-  23-20 46-  40-36 66-   0-41